Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In 3's

You know that old saying, when something happens it usually ends up happening in three's. Once celebrity dies, then the second and you just know one more is coming.

Well that was definitely the truth for me this past Sunday. I knew, in my gut, that it was long overdue but I didn't think things would coming crashing down to the extent that it did.

It started with my bed frame crashing down to the floor. At first, I found it funny just because it happened in the most delicate circumstance. It was like a scene from a comedy that not even Jimmy Carrey could have played out any better than myself.

Then while trying to repair this busted up bed frame I ended up breaking my favorite martini glass completely in half. My Grandma always said to me growing up, "When you break a glass that means your breaking up trouble." But that was my second incident all in one evening. I just knew to sit back and wait for that last and final blow to come crashing in on me.

The last thing was someone ended up stealing my sunglasses from my house. Not sure if it was stealing or not but they were gone, not misplaced, just gone.

I laughed during and after every single one of those events this past Sunday evening. But once the quiet and the calm returned I became emotional. I'm well aware that all those things are material and can easily be replaced. I guess what struck me was how closely all these negative things occurred. Dealing with curve balls was always something I could do but on a more spread out basis. Not all within the same damn three hour span.

Yesterday, I took a moment to remember why I was grateful to even have a bed to sleep on. I was also grateful that I had nice martini glasses to sip from. And those sunglasses were a gift from a friend from over three years ago. They were even given to her as a promotional gift. I quickly realized it was the Universe showing me that it's time to clean house yet again. Time to make room for bigger and more substantial things going forward.

Honestly, I'm grateful to have a space where I can be fully relaxed and calm within...even if I do have to sleep on my mattress that's on the floor now...hahhaha



Coree aka Always_Smiling said...

AMEN... Moving on is hard, but you can't grow unless you are moving... and most times, that direction is UP! Love you honey!

Rhonda said...

Your so right about that! Change is always the hardest thing to do in this life...