Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hunger Games

I joined the millions of people who ventured out to see this novel turned movie on Sunday. Although, I did not read the series, the plot was all to familiar.

The overall concept was a bit jarring for me to deal with. Historically, the human race has performed unspeakable acts against children. Hell, humans, in general, have done unspeakable acts against one another! I guess seeing the terrified young faces struck a cord with me besides the overuse of propaganda and the rich staying rich imagery. It feels like it rang so close to the time we're all living in now.

But the one thing that bothered me were all the negative tweets in regards to the Rue character. I read tweets ranging from how someone couldn't believe the author cast a young African American actress to fill that part to how someone not wanting to see the movie anymore once she learned Rue was portrayed by a black girl.

I know mere children had to have written remarks like those because the ignorance spoke volumes. Maybe I'm fooling myself into giving a young person the benefit of the doubt. I know racist exists out in the world. But like they say movies have a way of imitating life.

All I ask is that we take the movie for what it is, a form of entertainment, although a bit morbid at times. Their are definitely many messages to take away from it but overall it's about a girl willing to step up and protect what little family she has left. She also protected her friend that was technically supposed to kill her. I think that's something to commend. A character that has heart is good in my book.

You didn't see Katniss not willing to help Rue just because she was a darker skinned brown girl now did ya!? Children don't see color....that's taught. Let's stop teaching them how to judge a book by it's cover (no pun intended).

Have a good week.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are you living your every moment?

Do you find yourself just moving through life without taking a minute to breathe it in fully? Running that race was a first in the many of new steps to come. I know for many of us things just aren't back to the glory days of before the housing bubble burst.

This weekend I was invited out with a few friends. I had a great time as always but towards the end of the night I was propositioned by a random male. Now I've had guys say the most outlandish things in order to achieve their goal of getting in my panties. This one chose to be a bit more on the straightforward and bolder side of the topic. He gave me exactly what I have been complaining about since moving here to Atlanta. He gave me honesty. Although the situation wasn't the most ideal or conducive to meeting a 'potential' mate he was definitely forthcoming on how he wanted his night to end.

He then takes the next step and proceeds to force a kiss on me. For those of you that know me, I'm part germophobe. So for me to even let this guy come that close, much less kiss me, was a huge deal. It was such a huge deal that my friend saw me and even questioned was I drunk in that moment. Which I was not, far from it actually.

After I turned him down on his invitation to come home with him I realized something. Before he walked away he said you need to live alittle more. Honestly, I thought I was...I'm sure he was referring to me turning down his offer though. But after he left I began to question if I wasn't truly living it up. I later confessed to my friend that I was never one to lose complete control to the point of ending up on a Girls Gone Wild video. Its just never been my style.

I guess my next step should be to really live it up a bit more. But living it up responsibility. ahahahh

Have a good week everyone. Spring is definitely here!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Step Out Of Yourself!

I completed a 5K race on Sunday morning for the first time in my life. Believe me when I say, I was never the running type but thanks to a friend who TOLD me that I was joining her yesterday was the kick in the ass I needed.

I grew up with the notation that runners were the top of the athletic food chain. That they were the Spartan elitist of the athletic realm. They were the one's who could run for 10 miles without stopping, not even for water. I was always fascinated when I would watch the marathon runners during the summer Olympics. My only thought would be how could they keep going for such a long period of time?!

Well now I know first hand what it takes to keep going. Instead of instantly cancelling myself out of the race I embraced it. I put on my Ipod and plugged into my own imagination and took in the sites. all the while. Seeing the world from a runners perspective was such a wonder. I live in a city where driving is the norm. You almost never see people walking anywhere. Maybe to and from their cars when exiting a store. So taking this moment to truly appreciate my surroundings and where I am in life was such a great experience.

So I say all that to encourage all of you out there to venture out and just do something new and different. If you've always wanted to try yoga then go check out your local yoga studio in your neighborhood. If you love art, why not go sign up for a art class. Stepping out of your daily routine is a great way to experience your life but it's also a great way to meet others in your own community.
Let's not lose a sense of who we are. Appreciate it, embrace it and just do it!

Have a good week everyone!
Rhonda Iris