Monday, March 12, 2012

Step Out Of Yourself!

I completed a 5K race on Sunday morning for the first time in my life. Believe me when I say, I was never the running type but thanks to a friend who TOLD me that I was joining her yesterday was the kick in the ass I needed.

I grew up with the notation that runners were the top of the athletic food chain. That they were the Spartan elitist of the athletic realm. They were the one's who could run for 10 miles without stopping, not even for water. I was always fascinated when I would watch the marathon runners during the summer Olympics. My only thought would be how could they keep going for such a long period of time?!

Well now I know first hand what it takes to keep going. Instead of instantly cancelling myself out of the race I embraced it. I put on my Ipod and plugged into my own imagination and took in the sites. all the while. Seeing the world from a runners perspective was such a wonder. I live in a city where driving is the norm. You almost never see people walking anywhere. Maybe to and from their cars when exiting a store. So taking this moment to truly appreciate my surroundings and where I am in life was such a great experience.

So I say all that to encourage all of you out there to venture out and just do something new and different. If you've always wanted to try yoga then go check out your local yoga studio in your neighborhood. If you love art, why not go sign up for a art class. Stepping out of your daily routine is a great way to experience your life but it's also a great way to meet others in your own community.
Let's not lose a sense of who we are. Appreciate it, embrace it and just do it!

Have a good week everyone!
Rhonda Iris


Coree aka Always_Smiling said...

Again, I'm SO proud of you! I never had a thought in my mind that you couldn't do it! I'm glad to know that you know it too! It's just the beginning luv ;)

Rhonda said...

It was such an awesome experience. Sometimes I do doubt if I can do something but that race just showed me once again that I'm stronger than I realize.
Can't wait until next time.