Saturday, January 21, 2012

Full Circle and Full Moon in 2012

So far 2012 is turning into the year of deja vu when it comes to people from my past popping back up. Over the years this has always happened to me. The conversation usually entails regret for leaving me in the first place, hurt and alot of apologizing on the other person's behalf. I think we've all come across situations when you wronged someone but were to stubborn to be the adult and apologize for your behavior. Instead, we would rather eat crow and let years trickle by before the Universe flashes a damn bulb in our eyes to make us remember what we did wrong and why it's time to make it all right again. Or what the other party has done as well.

I've had 4 people in the last week alone try contacting me. Once I spoke to them or saw the initial text messages I soon recalled why I stopped speaking to them in the first place. The Universe, God, Allah or whatever you want to call it, is definitely hard at work this first month of the year. I'm using this time as a teaching tool. A tool to show me why things with that particular person never worked in the first place and forcing me to make a choice. Do I deal with that all over again and keep the cycle going? Or do I finally learn the lesson for what I will not stand for any longer in my own life?

I think I choose the latter....why continue a cycle that you consciously know will continue down the same path time and time again.. Especially if you already know that the other person hasn't done one thing to change their behavior.

Keepin' it movin' for 2012!


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