Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Are you living your every moment?

Do you find yourself just moving through life without taking a minute to breathe it in fully? Running that race was a first in the many of new steps to come. I know for many of us things just aren't back to the glory days of before the housing bubble burst.

This weekend I was invited out with a few friends. I had a great time as always but towards the end of the night I was propositioned by a random male. Now I've had guys say the most outlandish things in order to achieve their goal of getting in my panties. This one chose to be a bit more on the straightforward and bolder side of the topic. He gave me exactly what I have been complaining about since moving here to Atlanta. He gave me honesty. Although the situation wasn't the most ideal or conducive to meeting a 'potential' mate he was definitely forthcoming on how he wanted his night to end.

He then takes the next step and proceeds to force a kiss on me. For those of you that know me, I'm part germophobe. So for me to even let this guy come that close, much less kiss me, was a huge deal. It was such a huge deal that my friend saw me and even questioned was I drunk in that moment. Which I was not, far from it actually.

After I turned him down on his invitation to come home with him I realized something. Before he walked away he said you need to live alittle more. Honestly, I thought I was...I'm sure he was referring to me turning down his offer though. But after he left I began to question if I wasn't truly living it up. I later confessed to my friend that I was never one to lose complete control to the point of ending up on a Girls Gone Wild video. Its just never been my style.

I guess my next step should be to really live it up a bit more. But living it up responsibility. ahahahh

Have a good week everyone. Spring is definitely here!

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