Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New World Order

In the past three weeks, alone, I have come across many women voicing their concerns about what direction relationships are heading currently. The main unanimous concern is that they feel men are confused about their new role in society these days. Unlike 60 years ago, women are becoming the breadwinners and are seeking out higher education. All while a good portion of men are staying stagnant. Some have confessed to me that they feel inadequate when meeting women of such standard. They think, what do they have to offer to a woman who's doing it for herself? It's not always about money but most fail to even realize that. It's about chivalry, respect and creating a true connection.

I'm sure you've all seen that commercial from Match.com claiming that 1 in 5 dating relationships now begins via the Internet, no wonder everyone seems a bit confused. Before technology had such a strong presence we were all forced to meet someone the old fashioned way, SOCIALIZING. Going out to a local town dance or your parents dragging you along to a neighbors dinner party just so you could meet there single son. Situations like that are few and far between. The art of face to face conversation is slowly falling by the wayside. It's being replaced by a new language, texting. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against texting but we all know that figuring out someones tone or emotion is hard enough, now imagine it solely through receiving a small typed snippet.

What To Do Now:
Let's not forget how to be human. If your having a difficult time invite yourself along with your friends the next time they go out for dinner and/or drinks. Force yourself to speak to a stranger. All you have to do is say hi, have you been here before, how do you like it? Some people may respond while others will not. Don't let that discourage you. By making it a habit to actually get out there and socialize it will make you a more well-rounded person. You'll become more comfortable in holding descent conversations. Confidence will radiate from you and that is what catches people's attention.

Your Voice:
I want to know - do any of you have a difficult time meeting new people and getting yourself out there? Is it that unsettling just thinking about going out alone? Let me know.

Rhonda Iris

1 comment:

jiwhyji said...

Before I turned 40, I was seeking and looking. My mind frame of thinking was, I want to find him before i become too successful.

Now I'm at a point where I want to focus on me and my wants and desires. Balance is key in life, and trying to find someone that has a balance life is hard for any gender. But I'm in a different place now in my life, and what matter yesterday may not matter tomorrow.

I do believe that it will happen when it suppose to happen.