Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year of Possibilities

For many of us the New Year is viewed as a time of total renewal. In my mind, anytime can be created for true change. Be it next week or next month, time is irrelevant when starting anew.

I took the last few weeks off to take a moment to reflect on my own personal goals moving forward. Honestly, the holidays are just extremely difficult for me to deal with. When growing up back in Connecticut I used to blame the cold weather setting in or the lack of daylight as the true culprit. Now that I'm growing more honest with myself and a bit older I can face saying it's due to the foundational crack in my own family and upbringing.

These last few years I took the initiative to reach out to friends and start my own traditions. I spent Christmas with a friend and her family this year. It was truly bittersweet to be so welcomed with open arms by complete strangers. To be included in multiple conversations dealing with religion, sex, relationships, as well as, other subjects. To know that no one was going to fist fight on another for having an opposite point of view or opinion. To know that being grateful, supportive and nurtured in possible for all of us.

Taking lessons away from everyone that crosses my path has been my own growing experience. I said goodbye to resolutions a long time ago. I put enough pressure on myself every single day so why create a list that many studies show about 72% of us throw by the wayside by mid-February. We should work daily, weekly and monthly on being the change we all strive to be during our lifetime on this earth. Remember life is a peregrination.

My Challenge To You
-Post what you would like to concentrate more on this year or what have you been working on during the past year.

I will pick the best post. You will win a free month of one on one coaching to intensify your progress. The winner will be announced next week - Jan. 17th. So be ready to create some serious change this year.



Donna P said...

I have been working a lot on myself this past year... I was served with divorce papers in the very midst of my changing for the better. It was the cruelest form of emotional abuse I could ever imagine and it was happening to me at at time when I had begun a total 180 degree transformation in my life. But it didn't stop me. I knew that I needed to change for the better and no little piece of paper was going to get in my way! I started by asking forgiveness of anyone and everyone that I held some sort of distance between. And I'll tell you what, being forgiven and forgiving in return is truly the best feeling... it is liberating in so many respects, but it is also what I felt called to do. God has been my guide through it all. And you can't argue with God, now can you? I'm not quite done yet, but I think 2012 is my year of permanent and lasting change for the better.

Rhonda said...

Donna I appreciate you having the courage to write your comment. I'm realizing that for so many of us hiding is the easiest way to exist in this world. I should say hiding is the comfortable way to move through this world, especially when your dealing with serious life changes such as yourself.
I have definitely walked in your shoes. My size may be much larger than yours but its still the same path. Forgiving and being forgiven is one way to move through all the pain and hurt. As long as your excepting your responsibility in that marriage and learning from that, it will only make your stronger and wiser.
Again, thank you Donna P.